Between 12 and 15 million Americans have asthma, often a lifetime condition and these numbers increase each year. Although this lung disease always requires medical management, there are several steps you can take on your own to minimize the frequency and severity of asthma attacks.
What is Asthma?
Asthma is a disease in which the airways of the lungs swell and tighten, restricting airflow and making it hard to breath. During an asthma attack, the smallest airways (the bronchioles) constrict. This cause the release of chemicals such as histamine that increase inflammation and swelling and produce excess mucus. Though many asthma attacks are mild and easily controlled at home, severe ones can cause sufferers to begin to suffocate. And for 5000 Americans each year, an asthma attack is fatal.
Symptoms of Asthma
External or internal factors can provoke asthma attacks, and some people are sensitive to both. Outside triggers usually involve an allergen, such as pet dander, a food, dust and dust mites, insects (including cockroaches), pollen, and many environment pollutants. Internal triggers, which are usually less obvious and can be harder to avoid, include stress, anxiety, temperature changes, exercise, and respiratory infections such as bronchitis.
Comments: Especially important if you take the prescription asthma drugWhat is Asthma?
Asthma is a disease in which the airways of the lungs swell and tighten, restricting airflow and making it hard to breath. During an asthma attack, the smallest airways (the bronchioles) constrict. This cause the release of chemicals such as histamine that increase inflammation and swelling and produce excess mucus. Though many asthma attacks are mild and easily controlled at home, severe ones can cause sufferers to begin to suffocate. And for 5000 Americans each year, an asthma attack is fatal.
Symptoms of Asthma
- Tightness, not pain, in the chest.
- Wheezing or whistling when breath or difficulty breathing, which improves when sitting up.
- Coughing (often with phlegm)
- Restlessness or insomnia
External or internal factors can provoke asthma attacks, and some people are sensitive to both. Outside triggers usually involve an allergen, such as pet dander, a food, dust and dust mites, insects (including cockroaches), pollen, and many environment pollutants. Internal triggers, which are usually less obvious and can be harder to avoid, include stress, anxiety, temperature changes, exercise, and respiratory infections such as bronchitis.
Supplement Recommendation for Asthma
- Vitamin C Dosage: 1,000 mg 3 times a day.
- Magnesium Dosage: 400 mg twice a day.
- Vitamin B6 Dosage: 50 mg twice a day.
- Quercetin Dosage: 500 mg 3 times a day
- Ephedra: Dosage: 130 mg standardized extract 3 times a day.
- Licorice: Dosage: 200 mg standardized extract 3 times day.
What Else You can do to prevent Asthma
- Keep your home clean of dust and pollen. Avoid cigarette smoke.
- Stay away from cats; their dander is highly allergenic.
- Remain calm. Manage stress helps fight asthma.
- Treat colds and flu promptly to reduce the chance of an attack.
- Wear a scarf over mouth and nose to warm the cold winter air.
- Keep an asthma dairy to help you determine your asthma triggers.
- Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep mucus loose.
Did you know?Eating lots of onions may help asthma sufferers. The mustard oil (isothiocyanates) they contain seem to promote healthy lungs.
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